A country without forests (?), with cheap geothermal energy, where humans live along the elves – that probably heard everyone who has even a little interest in Iceland. But not everyone knows that …
… often young Icelanders do not know the names of vegetables. They do not recognize even these basic, like beetroot, parsley or celery.
… the tendency of Icelanders to park a car, taking into account mainly their own convenience, even at the expense of laws, comes from a country when people traveled on horseback and it was normal leaving mount directly in front of the building. Speaking of cars, driving them around the city is for Icelanders a form of recreation.
… the most common cause of damage to vehicles borrowed on the island is rapid opening the doors in the wind. Wind gusts are sometimes so strong that pull the door off its hinges (that’s why you get a warning to open the door slowly when you hiring a car).
… Icelanders tend not to marry. Parents of 65% of Icelandic children are not in a formal relationship. Marriage makes it difficult to change the partner, and in Iceland very popular model of family is man and woman with five children, of which only two are their own, and the rest come from previous relationships.
… Koziołek Matołek also traveled to Iceland. At least in the comic book, which won a competition organized by the European Tale Centre in Pacanów. It beat 80 competitors from all over the country.
… Iceland does not speak to anyone on Mr. / Ms. From the beginning they all address each other by fist names.
… in Iceland function very small magazines, such as women’s magazines including the range of two villages.
… In Iceland there is a photos frenzy. Icelanders love to be photographed with the family and order personalized Christmas cards with their own photos and text. The norm is that they order least 50 cards (for all relatives).
… in Hofsos, north of Iceland, is a museum dedicated to the Icelanders who immigrated to Canada in the nineteenth century. Part of Icelanders even today believe that every accidentally encountered Canadian certainly knows their relative.
… for Icelanders ibuprofen or paratabs is a miracle cure for all kinds of ailments.
… even in the 60s of last century, only those who were born in Reykjavik were able to live there. It was forbidden to buy houses by people from outside the city. This has created a certain barrier that can be felt even today. The word „útlendingur” or foreigner, applies not only to the newcomers from abroad, but also people from the country.
…Laxness, Icelandic Nobel Prize winner, was very interested in our country. The first Polish book which he read was „Quo Vadis” by Henryk Sienkiewicz. That one was even translated into Icelandic. Also he highly valued the work of Adam Mickiewicz. Over the years he was an honorary member of the Towarzystwo Przyjaźni Islandzko-Polskiej (The Iceland-Polish Friendship Society)
… it is said that having dogs in Reykjavik was forbidden because they were associated with the countryside and the capital is large and majestic city. Times have changed, but you won’t find stray dogs running the streets in Reykjavik. You won’t hear them barking too. To have a dog living in the block, you have to get approval of all residents (and pay high taxes as well).
photos: Agnieszka