Jeśli nie macie jeszcze dość Islandii to najprawdopodobniej poniższe filmy mogą Was zainteresować. Miłego oglądania!


1 # Iceland Erupts – A Volcano Live Special 2012 (HD 720p)
Kate Humble heads to Iceland and meets the scientists monitoring the country’s most dangerous volcanoes. She also investigates the biggest eruptions in Iceland’s past.
Total time: 59:07


2 # How The Earth Was Made S1 E11 – Iceland Volcano
A look at the geologic history of Iceland and how the forces of fire and ice – volcanoes and glaciers – played a role together in the island’s formation.
Total time: 45:09


3 # Best Documentary 2016 The Most Extra Ordinary Documentary Of The Year Iceland
Total time: 43:30


4 # Wild Scandinavia Episode 4 Iceland BDRip 1080p
Total time: 43:18


5 # Iceland Land of Ice and Fire (National Geographic 2016)
Total time: 50:22